摘要: 采用水平淀粉凝胶电泳技术对花鲈群体的遗传结构进行了研究,共检测了中国沿海花鲈146尾和40尾日本东京湾花鲈.其群体的多态位点比例为0.2667-0.5333,观测杂合度和预期杂合度分别为0.0211-0.0515和0.0398-0.0797.中日花鲈在LDH*, GPI-1*, GPI-2*基因位点上的等位基因接近完全置换.中国花鲈各群体之间的根井遗传距离为0.0004-0.0011,平均值约为0.0080;而中日花鲈间的根井遗传距离为0.1870-0.1954,平均值为0.1926.以上结果表明中国花鲈群体间遗传变异很小,中日花鲈间遗传变异远大于中国花鲈群体间的遗传距离.Abstract: Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis was used to investigate the genetic structure of sea bass populations. 146 individuals coll ected from coastal waters of China and 40 individuals from Tokyo Bay were examin ed. The proportions of polymorphic loci of sea bass populations varied from 0.26 67 to 0.5333. The values of observed and expected heterozygosity were from 0.021 1 to 0.0515 and from 0.0398 to 0.0797 respectively. There was a nearly complete replacement of alleles at LDH*, GPI-1*, GPI-2* between C hinese and J apanese sea bass. The Nei's genetic distance among Chinese populations varied fr om 0.0004 to 0.0011 with an average of 0.0008. The Nei’s genetic distance betwee n the Chinese populations and Japanese population varied from 0.1870 to 0.1954 w ith an average of 0.19 26. Isozyme analysis indicated that the genetic variation among Chinese populati ons was small, but that between Chinese and Japanese sea bass was much larger th an that among Chinese populations.