

  • 摘要: 针对西伯利亚鲟发生败血症的情况,进行了流行病学调查、病理学观察和病原学研究。病鱼主要特征为严重出血性败血症,发病率20%、死亡率15%。主要症状为:鱼体消瘦,嘴肿、四周充血,肛门红肿,鱼体两侧体表、腹部、口腔及下颌充血,尤以背鳍、胸鳍、腹鳍及尾鳍基部充血显著,体表溃疡,有的伴有水霉着生。在对病鱼进行流行病学调查和病理学观察的基础上,从患病鱼中分离得到一种优势细菌,经感染性试验证明对健康西伯利亚鲟具有较强的致病性,且症状与自然发病鲟的症状相同。通过形态学、溶血性、蛋白酶检测、生理生化试验和16SrRNA基因序列分析,证实引起西伯利亚鲟发生败血症的病原为嗜水气单胞菌。药物敏感性试验结果显示,分离病原菌对头胞噻肟钠、硫酸卡那霉素、庆大霉素、强力霉素、氟苯尼考、黏杆菌素、乳酸诺氟沙星、盐酸环丙沙星和恩诺沙星等药物高度敏感,对阿莫西林等药物具有抗性。本研究结果对西伯利亚鲟病害防治和健康养殖具有指导意义。


    Abstract: Epidemiological description,pathology and etiology of hemorrhagic septicemia in infected Siberian sturgeon(Acipenser baerii) were studied in this paper.The outbreak of this infectious and lethal disease happened in a fish farm which was located in Linfen,Shanxi Province,China.20% of cultured Acipenser baerii was infected and the mortality rate was 15%.Fish suffering from hemorrhagic septicemia had many symptoms and these ranged from emaciation and red sore mouth to skin ulcerations at any site of the fish.Postmortem examination revealed swelling and haemorrhagic in liver and kidney,serious haemorrhagic and edema in alimentary canal,haemorrhagic and necrosis in gill-like tissue.The major histological lesions were epithelium degeneration,necrosis and desquamation in intestine mucous membrane;degeneration,necrosis in gastric wall smooth muscle;granular and vesicular degeneration and necrosis in renal tubular epithelial cells.On the basis of epidemiological investigation and pathological observation,the bacterium was isolated from the focal area of the infected Acipenser baerii,and it was dominant among the isolates.The symptom of the artificial infected fish and the natural infected fish was similar.Morphological observation revealed that the strain of bacterium was a middle-sized Brevibacterium without capsule and brood cell arrayed by single or two strains,two ends of which were obtuse circle.Hemolysis analysis showed that the strain of bacterium grew well and presented obvious β hemolysis on the blood agar plate.Measurement of protein enzyme revealed positive.Physiological and biochemical tests indicated that the isolated bacterium decomposed glucose,arabinose,sucrose,maltose,esculosied,mannitol and salicin;it did not ferment xylose,lactose and sorbitol;tests of M R,V P and oxidase were all positive.16S rRNA sequence analysis showed the sequence length was 686 bp.The nucleotide sequence of isolated bacterium was 100%,99% and 98% identical to that of Aeromonas hydrophila published by Hebei Teacher-training University(gi:119633076) and Sichuan Agricultural University(gi:188013261),Japan(gi:188496906) and India(gi:188032688),CAS(gi:189031545),respectively.Thus,the strain of bacterium was identified as Aeromonas hydrophila according to these methods.The drug sensitivity test showed that it was highly sensitive to CTX,KAN,GEN,TET,CMP,POL,NOR,CIP,ENR and resistant to AMO.This paper will be helpful to the disease control and health management during Asipenser baerii cultivation.


