e liable to specific and nonspecific antigen, which p lacesTrionyx sinensis frequently under immunological stress1Being a conditioned essential amino acid, Glutamine (GLN) is notonly nourishing, but also effective in pharmacological function, such as maintaining intestinal function, and enhancing organism’s immunity against stress, oxidation and infection1By studying the p rotection against immunological stress of Trionyx sinensis GLN p rovides, this paper aims to form basis for the imp rovement of immunity against diseases bymeans of nutrition regulation and healthy aquiculture of aquatic animals1This experiment made a study of sixty Trionyx sinensis with similar weight (339146±25154g), which were randomly divided into three groups: twelve in Group A, twenty four in
Group B and Group C respectively1017% Nacl, 500μg Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)/kg BW and 500μg LPS+100mg GLN/kg BW were injected into Group A, Group B and Group C respectively1LPS and LPS p lus GLN were combined into 017%Nacl for injection separately,with the dose of 015mL in each subject1Radio2immunoassay (FJ22008γ immunocount instrument) were used to detect the content change of Cortisol (COR), Tumor necrosis factor2α(TNF2α), Interleukin21β(IL1β) and Interleukin26 (IL26) in the p lasma at certain times (5h, 1d, 4d and 7d after injection); and pectrophotometer (Unico2000) were used to measure the content change of Immunoglobulin M (IgM), Immunoglobulin G(IgG), Immunoglobulin A (IgA), Lysozyme (LSZ), Glutathione (GSH), Glutathione peroxidase (GSH2PX),Malondialdehyde (MDA) inblood p lasma, and that of Protein (PRO), GSH, GSH2PX andMDA in liver at different times1The results are following: Trionyx sinensis are capable of immunological stress by injecting LPS,with rap id increase in the content of COR, TNF2α, IL1β, IL26, IgM, GSH2PX,MDA in blood p lasma and PRO, GSH2PX,MDA in liver (p<0.05), but sharp decline in the content of GSH in blood p lasma and liver at corresponding times(p<0.05) The supp lement of GLN not only slows down therise of COR, TNF2α, IL21β and IL21 which arising from the injection of LPS, but also decreases the content of nonspecificimmunological inhibitorMDA in blood p lasma, and the content ofMDA in liver declined remarkably (p1d<0.05; p4d <0.01) 1 In conclusion, the change in neuroendocrine, immunity and anti2oxidation owing to the injection of LPS indicates that the supp lement of GLN can relieve the immunological stress, showing that the injection of GLN can p rovide p rotection of immunological stress of Trionyx sinensis.