

  • 摘要: 为研究长江江豚(Neophocaena asiseorientalis asiseorientalis)对人类干扰包围下孤立栖息地斑块的利用规律, 采用目视考察和声学监测两种方法研究了不同季节江豚在被航运、航道整治、大型码头等包围的何家洲水域的分布及概率。并与江豚对长江自然岸滩牛屯河边滩的分布及概率做比较, 揭示江豚对被高强度人为干扰包围的孤立栖息地斑块利用规律并定性分析潜在影响因子。丰水期和枯水期目视考察平均单次观察到的江豚分别为(10.00±2.35)和(15.60±8.17)头次, 主要集中分布在何家洲水域及牛屯河边滩, 两个季节平均单次观察到的江豚头次没有显著差异。丰水期和枯水期在何家洲和牛屯河边滩水域几乎每天都能声学监测到江豚分布。丰水期何家洲水域浅滩、汇流区及牛屯河边滩的江豚探测概率分别为0.377±0.074、0.06±0.036和0.140±0.081; 枯水期何家洲水域浅滩、汇流区及牛屯河边滩的江豚探测概率分别为0.137±0.102、0.216±0.087和0.495±0.098。江豚在研究水域3个监测点的昼夜分布节律表现出随机性, 表明江豚在该水域昼夜活动相当。可见, 江豚对何家洲水域仍有较高的利用率, 尤其是在丰水期。枯水期江豚对何家洲水域浅滩水域利用率明显降低, 低水位导致浅滩萎缩和航运对近岸水域的占据可能是重要的影响因子。鉴于江豚对何家洲水域的高利用率和何家洲外围被较大的人类干扰所包围, 研究建议在何家洲水域设置江豚重要栖息地标志及控制何家洲左汊的船只数量和船只间距。


    Abstract: Habitat loss and fragmentation caused by various types of human disturbance pose significant threats to the population of Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis) inhabiting the Yangtze River mainstream. Studies on utilization patterns of fragmented habitat patches surrounded by human activities by Yangtze finless porpoises can provide valuable insights into their response to human disturbance and aid in targeted habitat conservation efforts. Hejiazhou water in Ma'anshan section of the Yangtze mainstream is an excellent habitat for the Yangtze finless porpoise because of the well-developed shallow waters. However, Hejiazhou water is encircled by shiiping, large ports and channel regulation engineering, causing this water body into an island-type habitat patch for the Yangtze finless porpoises. Visual observation and acoustic monitoring were both used in this study to survey seasonal and diel activities of finless porpoises in two sites of Hejiazhou water and in one site of Niutun Beach water, a natural near-shore water of the Yangtze River. Detection rates were compared between these two different habitat patches to reveal utilization patterns of the island-type habitat patches by Yangtze finless porpoises and to analyze potential influencing factors. The results revealed that porpoises primarily concentrated in Hejiazhou water and Niutun Beach, with an average sighting of (10.00±2.35) and (15.60±8.17) individuals during the wet and dry seasons, respectively. No significant difference was detected in sightings between the two seasons. Porpoises were detected nearly every day in Hejiazhou and Niutun Beach waters during both seasons. During the wet season, detection rates of porpoises in shallow water and confluence area of Hejiazhou, as well as Niutun Beach water, were 0.377±0.074, 0.06±0.036, and 0.140±0.081, respectively. During the dry season, these rates were 0.137±0.102, 0.216±0.087, and 0.495±0.098, respectively. Porpoises showed randomness in diel pattern. Although statistically significant differences were detected in some sites and seasons, these rates varied only slightly in numerical terms, indicating the utilization rate of finless porpoises in Hejiazhou water was nearly equally between daytimen and nighttime. These results suggest that finless porpoises continue to display a high utilization rate of the Hejiazhou waters, which are encircled by high dense human disturbance, particularly during the wet season. However, during the dry season, due to combined pressures from low water levels and shipping occupation, the utilization rate of the Hejiazhou shallow waters by porpoises was significantly reduced. On account of high utilization rate of porpoises in Hejiazhou waters and the surrounding human disturbance, this study suggests that avoidance and protection of migration corridors should be strengthened.


