

  • 摘要: 为研究莲鱼复合种养生态系统中的浮游植物群落特征, 及该养殖模式的经济和生态效益, 2019年春季至秋季, 对江西井冈山地区莲鱼种养、莲单种和鱼单养3种种养模式的水质及浮游生物开展了季节调查, 结合当地生产经营, 分析了不同种养模式的经济效益及生态足迹。研究表明, (1)共鉴定出浮游植物7门103种,其中绿藻56种, 蓝藻21种, 硅藻16种, 裸藻3种, 隐藻4种, 金藻2种, 黄藻1种。复合种养模式水体的水质均处于轻污染-无污染状态, 优于单种和单养模式, 且优势种存在季节性差异。(2)冗余分析表明, 水温和溶解氧是影响莲鱼复合种养生态系统浮游植物群落结构的关键环境因子, 总磷(鱼单养模式的主要影响因子)和硝酸氮(莲单养模式的主要影响因子)并不是影响该复合种养模式中浮游植物群落的主要环境因子。(3)莲鱼复合种养经济效益为25200元/公顷, 介于鱼单养和莲单种模式之间, 但其产生每万元利润的生态足迹最低, 为4.48 hm2, 是鱼单养模式的80.9%, 莲单种的33.2%。江西井冈山地区的莲鱼复合种养模式是一种高效益、低生态负荷的综合种养模式, 适宜在当地大面积推广。


    Abstract: The study of phytoplankton community structure and its reaction to environmental factors, which plays an important role and has realistic significance, provide a scientific basis for the development of water quality and algal facies management measures. However, there is a lack of researches on the characteristics of phytoplankton community in lotus-fish integrated system, which is the same of comprehensive analysis method of the benefit and its ecological cost. To study the phytoplankton community characteristic of ecosystem and its ecological and economic benefits in lotus-fish integrated system in 2019, a traditional water quality survey following by “Water Quality-Guidance on Sampling Techniques” and “Technical Regulation Waterquality Sampling” and an investigation the phytoplankton community structure according to “The Freshwater Algae of China” were conducted, and then analyzed the three systems of ecological footprint with the local production condition. The results showed that (1) A total of 103 species of 7 phyla of phytoplankton were identified, among which, 56 species of green algae, 21 species of Cyanobacteria, 16 species of Diatoms, 3 species of Euglysophyta, 4 species of Cryptosophyta, 2 species of golden algae and 1 species of Xanthophyta. The water quality of the coculture system was in the clean-less pollution type, which was better than that of the fish monoculture and lotus monoculture, and there were seasonal differences in the dominant species. (2) Redundancy analysis demonstrated that water temperature and dissolved oxygen were the main environmental factors affecting the phytoplankton community. (3) The lowest ecological footprint per ten thousand yuan was in the lotus-fish integrated system in Jinggangshan area, which was 4.48 hm2, 80.9% of the fish monoculture pattern and 33.2% of the lotus monoculture. This study indicated that the lotus-fish integrated system in Jinggangshan area of Jiangxi Province has high benefit and low ecological load, and is suitable for local promotion.


