

  • 摘要: 神经行为毒性是神经科学、神经药理学和神经毒理学的重要研究内容, 对评价生态系统质量和研究有害因素或药物在生物神经系统作用机制具有重要理论和应用价值。鱼类中枢神经系统发达, 对水环境中化合物极为敏感, 其神经系统能够对各种刺激产生综合协调的应答反应, 影响其运动功能、应激反应以及学习/记忆, 改变游泳行为和社会行为, 产生神经行为异常, 诱发神经行为毒性效应。近年来, 许多研究者开展了一系列以鱼类为受试对象的神经行为毒性研究, 表明鱼类是开展神经行为毒性研究的重要物种, 其成果在生态环境监测和评价、渔业生产、神经系统机制探究及药物开发等方面得到了广泛应用。鱼类作为神经行为毒性研究的物种, 补充经典哺乳动物模型的不足, 提供了高通量体外细胞分析和经典哺乳动物模型之间的关键模型。文章从鱼类生物学特征、实验鱼类品系和全基因组测序3个方面阐明鱼类是开展神经行为毒性研究的重要物种, 综述了微塑料及其吸附污染物、有机污染物2类典型污染物和酒精、咖啡因、苯二氮卓类药物、选择性血清素再吸收抑制剂4类药物对鱼类的游泳行为和社会行为影响, 探讨鱼类产生剂量或时间依赖性的神经行为毒性效应, 并对未来研究方向进行了分析展望, 以期为神经行为毒性研究和应用提供参考依据。


    Abstract: Neurobehavioral toxicity is one of important research fields in neuroscience, neuropharmacology and neurotoxicology, which of growing importance for understanding the mechanisms of chemicals on nervous system and for evaluating the quality of ecosystem. Possessing well-developed central nervous system, fish is extremely sensitive to chemicals in the water environment, and the nervous system can produce a comprehensive and coordinated response to various stimuli, which resulted in complex, well-characterized behaviors, including its swimming behaviors and social behaviors. And fish behavior is now recognized as a complex, homologous to mammals, context specific, adaptive and highly variable. A variety of behavioral tests have been developed to assess motor function, stress response, social behavior and learning/memory in fish. And behavior of fish can be measured to determine the functional impact of chemicals. The elementary actions of a neurotoxicant can be followed in terms of disruptions of neural differentiation, proliferation, migration, outgrowth, synapse formation, and circuit development. Fish has been widely used as a tool to detect toxins in water samples and to investigate the mechanisms of action of environmental toxins and their related diseases in recent years. Fish offer many advantages that complement classic mammalian models for the study of normal development as well as for neurobehavioral effects of exposure to chemicals. Fish provide a key intermediate model of neurobehavioral toxicity between high throughput in vitro cell-based assays and the classic mammalian models as they have the accessibility of in vitro models and the complex functional capabilities of mammalian models. The present article reviews recent research progress on neurobehavioral toxicology studies using fish as a model, and we present and discuss the neurobehavioral toxicity of typical pollutants (microplastics and toxins absorbed to microplastics, organic pollutants, et al.) and drugs (alcohol, caffeine, benzodiazepines, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, et al.) on fish. And future research directions are proposed. The article is expected to provide a reference for researchers in neurobehavioral toxicity and its application.


