

  • 摘要: 传统氨基酸根据其在体内合成能力, 一般分为必需氨基酸和非必需氨基酸。目前最新研究认为, 部分氨基酸除了合成蛋白质以外, 也能够合成一系列功能性物质, 并对动物营养代谢和免疫功能具有十分重要的调节作用, 为此提出功能性氨基酸这一概念。功能性氨基酸在甲壳类促生长、提高免疫和存活率等方面效果显著。近些年来, 甲壳类动物养殖病害严重, 对高效抗病功能性饲料需求较高。功能性氨基酸将在未来甲壳类配合饲料升级中扮演着重要的角色。文章总结功能性氨基酸在甲壳类蜕壳、抗应激、增强饲料诱食性及提高繁殖和幼体培育等方面的具体作用, 为相关功能性饲料技术开发提供参考。


    Abstract: Traditionally, amino acids are classified as essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids based on their ability of syntheses from metabolic intermediates. Currently, many scientists gave a new concept of functional amino acids, which are defined as those amino acids that participate in and regulate key metabolic pathways and immune systems. These amino acids not only provide blocks for protein synthesis, but also as substrates for many functional compounds. It has been reported that these amino acids can improve health, survival, growth, development, and reproduction of organisms. Crustaceans (e.g., shrimp and crabs) are the second largest aquaculture species worldwide, their feed development play a vital role in industry development. Functional amino acids hold great promise in prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases, intrauterine growth restriction, and infectious diseases (including viral infections). However, there are still some technical difficulties and challenges in the use of crystalline amino acids for research and practical production. At present, the knowledge about amino acid metabolism and functions in crustaceans is still limited, and much of them are based on studies of mammals and fish species. This article highlights current knowledge about the functions of amino acids on molt, adaptation of stress, immune, and antioxidant responses, spawning and larval development of crustaceans. It will help to advance the field of protein nutrition and guide the development of future crustacean feeds.


