

  • 摘要: 在全球气候变化背景下, 福寿螺在我国及全球进一步扩散。极强的生态耐受力及快速适应力是福寿螺能够在入侵地区迅速扩散的重要原因。其中, 环境温度对福寿螺的生存、生长、发育及繁殖至关重要, 是影响福寿螺分布、扩散及暴发的重要因素之一。文章在综述温度耐受范围的基础上, 总结了福寿螺高低温适应的生理生化及分子机制, 并对从温度适应性角度揭示入侵机制的研究前景进行展望。当前, 福寿螺温度适应的生理生化机制研究主要针对化合物以及相关酶活性变化开展, 分子机制研究主要集中在HSP基因的表达差异上。在染色体水平基因组完成测序的基础上, 福寿螺快速适应性进化的生理生态耐受性机制和表型可塑性机制有待深入开展。


    Abstract: Apple snails from the family Ampullariidae are large freshwater gastropods that are native to South, North and Central America. Some ampullariids, mainly from the genus Pomacea have been introduced out of their native areas, and subsequently caused serious damage to the freshwater habitats in such as Asia. The strong resistance and rapid adaptation to ecological stressors play key roles for the rapid spread and outbreak of the Pomacea species in their non-native ranges. With the efforts from researchers both in China and abroad, the invasive mechanisms on the resistance to various ecological factors of apple snails have been extensively investigated. Among which, the mechanisms on tolerance to cold and hot temperatures have brought the most research interests. Environmental temperature is crucial for the survival, growth, development, and reproduction of apple snails that serves as one of the key factors affecting their geographic distribution. We reviewed the ranges of survival temperature of both Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck, 1822) and Pomacea maculata Perry, 1810, because both the species were the most widely distributed and economically important ones. Based on which, we summarized the physiological, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms in adaptive to high and low temperatures of P. canaliculata and P. maculata. The physiological and biochemical mechanisms on adaption to temperature of apple snails have currently focused on changes of the chemical compounds and enzyme activities. While the molecular mechanisms have mainly focused on the expression differences of several heat shock proteins. The chromosome level genomes of P. canaliculata has been sequenced in 2018, which will promote the ecological adaptive mechanisms of apple snails with the application of advanced genetic manipulation techniques.


