

  • 摘要: 为实现大型海藻人工移植高效、节约和可持续性, 研究基于大型海藻孢子的粘附特性, 于2020年4月, 初选了几种食品添加剂作为粘附剂, 与铜藻(Sargassum horneri)孢子混合后, 通过室内外涂覆实验观察孢子附着、萌发和生长情况, 筛选出最优的粘附剂, 并通过铜藻孢子低温保存实验研究解决延长海藻人工移植周期问题。结果表明: (1)海藻酸钠是一种较好的海藻孢子粘附剂, 由其制成的铜藻孢子黏液, 黏度越大、数量越多对孢子的保护作用越强, 可有效阻碍水流冲刷与稀释的影响, 增强孢子的附着几率, 铜藻孢子黏液潮下带涂抹实验的孢子移植成活密度可达278 ind./m2, 但在潮间带喷涂实验中仅在受波浪和水流影响小的位点获得了较好的移植效果; (2)铜藻孢子低温保存实验延长了海藻孢子的移植周期, 铜藻受精卵经低温(7±3)℃)保存23d后仍具备附着能力, 但需结合粘附剂的使用才能确保孢子在水流扰动条件下实现有效附着; (3)孢子黏液技术可广泛应用于大型海藻孢子的人工育苗与移植, 主要包括室内均匀喷涂技术、水面喷洒移植技术、潮间带喷涂技术、潮下带涂抹技术和人工鱼礁或藻礁喷涂移植技术等。研究为大型海藻移植提供了一个全新的思路, 有望在粘附剂开发、喷涂方法及设备研究上获得突破起到促进作用, 并为我国海藻场的生态修复研究及大型海藻人工移植技术的推广提供科学依据。


    Abstract: To find an effective, economical and sustainable way of macroalgae artificial transplantation, a study based on the adhesive properties of spore tested several food additives in April, 2020. These adhesive mixtures were mixed with S. horneri spore and applied on the reef both inside and outside the laboratory. After observing the attachment, germination and growth situation of spore, the optimal adhesive was picked out. Meanwhile, the study of low temperature preservation of macroalgae spore extended the cycle of macroalgae artificial transplantation. Our results showed that: (1) algin(C6H7O6Na)n was a better adhesive. Higher viscosity and higher volume guaranteed better protection against current and dilution, which helps to better attachment of spore. Adhesive mixture of S. horneri spore applied on the reef survived well in subtidal zone, with a survival density of 278 ind./m2. However, only those sites with less exposure to wave and current had a good effect of transplantation in the intertidal zone. (2) Low temperature preservation of macroalgae spore prolonged the cycle of macroalgae artificial transplantation. Zygote of S. horneri preserved at (7±3)℃ still have adhesive ability after 23 days. This adhesion had a better result against current scour. (3) The spore mucus technology can be widely used in macroalgae spore artificial breeding and transplantation. This technology covered lab spore mucus uniform spray skill, water surface spore mucus spray transplantation skill, tidal zone spore mucus uniform spray skill, subtidal zone spore mucus daub skill, and artificial reefs or algal reefs spore mucus uniform spray transplantation skill. The research provided a new way to transplant macroalgae, and will contribute to the development of adhesive exploit, spray method and facilities.


