

  • 摘要: 为考察鲤科鱼类易钓性种内差异的表型基础、生态结果及饥饿响应, 研究以异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)幼鱼为实验对象, 在饥饿前(对照组)测定其表型特征(能量代谢、游泳能力和个性行为)并垂钓, 随后在饥饿1周后再次垂钓(饥饿组), 最后进行2周的恢复摄食生长实验(恢复组)。垂钓实验具有4个重复, 每个重复的样本量为40尾, 垂钓1.5h即停止, 垂钓20尾为钓出组, 剩余20尾为未钓出组。研究发现: 除钓出组的相对代谢空间(FAS)小于未钓出组外, 钓出组的外部形态(体重、体长和肥满度)、能量代谢参数(标准代谢率SMR、最大代谢率MMR和代谢空间AS)、游泳能力(最大匀加速游泳能力Ucat和最大有氧运动能力Ugt)及个性行为(探索性、活跃性和勇敢性)与未钓出组均无明显差异(所有P>0.05); 在经历捕食者模拟袭击后, 实验鱼勇敢性的潜伏时间比大于探索性, 导致勇敢性的运动时间比和穿门频率小于探索性。SMR与UcatUgt不相关(P>0.05), 但MMR和AS与UcatUgt均呈正相关(P<0.05); 能量代谢参数与个性行为存在部分相关。饥饿增加异育银鲫的垂钓总时间、单尾平均垂钓时间和单尾垂钓时间的变异系数。钓出组在饥饿期的特定生长率(SGR)小于未钓出组, 而恢复期钓出组的SGR与未钓出组无显著差异; 除MMR和AS外, SMR与饥饿期及恢复期的SGR均呈负相关(P<0.05), 即SMR越高个体在饥饿期间的体重下降更快, 在恢复摄食后生长却较慢。研究表明: 异育银鲫幼鱼的易钓性可能不具备表型基础, 并且因环境食物匮乏而降低; 虽然饥饿期间两种易钓性表型个体的生态结果存在差异, 但该生长差异在营养恢复后消失, 表明异育银鲫的易钓性具有一定的环境依赖性。


    Abstract: According to previous studies on fish angling, a correlation has been established between vulnerability to angling and metabolic traits in fish. However, it still remains unknown that whether other phenotypes (i.e., swimming performance and personality) of fish are related to the vulnerability to angling. To examine the phenotypic basis, ecological consequences and fasting responses to angling in Cyprinids fish, juvenile gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) was used as experimental model in this study. This study first measured the phenotypic traits (i.e. energy metabolism, swimming performance and personality) of the experimental fish, and then the fish were angled in the buckets (named as control group) under laboratory condition. After all measurements of phenotypes and angling having been completed, all fish were fasted for 7 days and angled again at the end of fasting period (named as fasting group), following by a 14-day period of continuous feeding (named as refeeding group). There were four parallel angling samples (n=40 individuals per sample) in each angling test, which was ceased when the 20th individual was successfully angled. The angled 20 individuals were considered as angling group (i.e. higher vulnerability to angling), and the other 20 individuals were considered as un-angling group (i.e. lower vulnerability to angling). The factorial aerobic scope of the angling group was smaller than that of the un-angling group. The results showed that no differences in morphology (body weight, body length and condition factor), energy metabolism (standard metabolic rate, SMR; maximum metabolic rate, MMR; and aerobic scope, AS), swimming performance (maximum accelerated swimming capacity, Ucat; and gait transition speed, Ugt), and personality (exploration, activity and boldness) between the angling group and the un-angling group. The fish had a higher percent latency in the exploration test than that in the boldness test, which led to shorter time spent in moving and lower frequency in passing through door in the exploration test than those in the boldness test. SMR was not related to Ucat and Ugt (P>0.05), whereas MMR and AS were positively correlated with bothUcat and Ugt (P<0.05). The energy metabolic parameters were related to some personality parameters. Fasting increased the total angling time, average individual angling time and coefficient variance of the individual angling time in juvenile gibel carp. The specific growth rate (SGR) of body mass was higher in the un-angling group than that in the angling group during the fasting period, but no difference in SGR was found between the un-angling group and the angling group during the refeeding period. With the exception of MMR and AS, SMR was negatively related to SGR during both the fasting period and the refeeding period (P<0.05), suggesting that higher SMR individuals decreased their body mass faster during fasting, and grew slower during refeeding. Our study suggested that the juvenile gibel carp may not have the phenotypic basis, and would decrease their vulnerability to angling due to fasting. There was difference in the ecological consequences between two phenotypes of vulnerability to angling, but this difference disappeared after the 14-day period of refeeding, indicating that the vulnerability to angling of the juvenile gibel carp is context-dependent to some extent.


