

  • 摘要: 于2013年11月至2014年9月, 在怒江、槟榔江和龙川江共采集大鳍异鲦(Creteuchiloglanis macropterus)230尾, 对其年龄与生长特征进行了研究。结果表明: 以胸鳍棘作为大鳍异鲦年龄鉴定材料, 鉴定结果与脊椎骨的吻合率为86.36%, 胸鳍棘是比较可靠的年龄鉴定材料。所采集样本年龄范围为1—9龄, 1—3龄为主, 占65.00%。雌雄个体生长不存在显著差异, 全长与胸鳍棘半径呈幂函数关系, L=2.0787·RC0.6273(R2=0.8866, n=180)。各龄组实测体长均值和退算体长均值无明显差异(χ2=0.776, df=8, P=0.999)。雌雄群体实测全长与体重之间无明显差异, 拟合得体重与全长的关系式为: W=1E–4L2.4807(R2=0.8189, n=180), 其生长属异速生长类型。生长规律用von Bertalanffy方程表示, Lt=377.015·1–e–0.0491(t+4.0195), Wt=246.134·1–e–0.0491(t+4.0195)2.4807。生长拐点年龄为14.48龄, 拐点处的全长和体重分别为225.00 mm和68.40 g。大鳍异鲦个体出现小型化现象, 应合理捕捞、加强保护。


    Abstract: To study age and growth of Creteuchiloglanis macropterus, 230 specimens were collected from the Nu River, Binlang River and Longchuan River from November 2013 to September 2014. Simplified decalcified histological sections of pectoral fin spines were used to estimate the age. Reader agreement rate of ages between pectoral fin spines and vertebra was 86.36%. Pectoral fin spines could be used for estimating the age efficiently. There were nine age groups of collected samples, and most individuals were 1—3 year-old accounting for about 65% of total samples. The relationship between the radius of pectoral fin spines (RC) and total length (L) was L=2.0787·RC0.6273 (R2=0.8866, n=180). There was no significant difference between measured body length and back-calculated body length at each age group (χ2=0.776, df=8, P=0.999). Meanwhile, the relationship between total length (L) and body weight (W) showed no significant difference between females and males, and it expressed as W=1E–4L2.4807 (R2=0.8189, n=180). Von Bertalanffy growth function was Lt=377.015·1–e–0.0491(t+4.0195), Wt=246.134·1–e–0.0491(t+4.0195)2.4807. In addition, the age at the inflection point of body weight growth was 14.48 years, in which total length and body weight were 225.00 mm and 68.40 g, respectively. C. macropterus was allometric growth and individual miniaturization. Its resources were heavy damaged. We should take action to strictly ban unreasonable catching in the future and strengthen scientific research on C. macropterus to preserve the resources.


