One new species and one new record in China of the genus
Trochopus Diesing, 1850 were described.
Trochopus lepidotrigla sp. nov was isolated from the gills of
Lepidotrigla japonica from the South China Sea.
Trochopus gaillimhe Little, 1929, a new record in China, was found from the gills of
Chelidonichthys kumu.The new species can be distinguished from other similar species of genus by the morphological structure and size of the three pairs of anchors on haptor.Holotype (GDSW20110414-01) and paratype (GDSW20110414-02~14) were deposited in the Lab of Fish Parasitology, College of Life Science, South China Normal University.Diagnosis of
Trochopus lepidotrigla sp. nov.:Body is relatively narrow and elongated with 2314 (1900-2720) in length and 854 (670-1100) in width. Haptor sessile and disc-shaped with marginal membrane was divided by 10 radi-cal septa to form 10 subtriangular loculi. Haptor armed with 3 pairs of anchors and 14 marginal hooks, anterior pair rod-shaped, tapering anteriorly and bifid at the base. The second pair rhabditiform curved at posterior 1/4 part. The posterior pair stout with broad base overlapped anteriorly with the second pair and tapering posteriorly into a hook-like tip.Prohaptor paired, disc-shaped and lateral to the mouth. Two pairs eyespots. Pharynx muscular with glandular cells was not constricted. Mouth ventral was situated at the terminal of pharynx. Intestine bifurcated post-pharyngeall, with simple lateral diverticula that are not connected posteriorly.Two testes, symmetrical, nearly equatorial, oval in outline. Male cirrus pouch curved, obliquely laid posterior to the pharynx. Ovary spherical, median, just anterior to the testes; oviduct originated from ovary and finally entered the ootype. Uterus fusiform, sinistral to the cirrus pouch, joined the common genital atrium anteriorly. Common genital pore sinitral, located at the level of eyespots. Vagina expanded at the base, slender anteriorly and opened immediately posterior to the common gential pore. Vetilline reservoir subspherical, vitellaria co-extensive with intestine. Egg tetrahedral, with a long filament.