

  • 摘要: 运用生态学和传统理论生物学的研究方法,对孵化后红鳍笛鲷(Lutjanus erythropterus)仔、稚鱼在早期生存和环境适应上的异速生长及器官优先发育生态学意义进行了研究,以期为红鳍笛鲷人工繁殖、育苗提供参考资料。以17日龄为红鳍笛鲷仔、稚鱼的区分时期,结果表明,红鳍笛鲷仔、稚鱼的感觉、呼吸摄食和游泳等器官快速分化,均存在异速生长现象。在头部器官中,吻长、口宽、眼径和头高在仔鱼期均为正异速生长,稚鱼期吻长为等速生长,口宽、眼径和头高为负异速生长。在身体各部位中,仔鱼期头长和体高为正异速生长,躯干部和尾长为负异速生长;稚鱼期体高和躯干长为正异速生长,头长和尾长为等速生长;在游泳器官中,仔鱼期红鳍笛鲷背鳍、腹鳍、尾鳍为正异速生长,胸鳍为等速生长,稚鱼期臀鳍为正异速生长,腹鳍、胸鳍和尾鳍为等速生长,背鳍为负异速生长。红鳍笛鲷这些关键器官的快速发育,使外源性营养开始后以最小的代谢损耗获得了生存能力的显著提升,对挑战和适应纷繁变换的外界压力具有重要的生态学意义。


    Abstract: Ecological and traditional theoretical biology experiments were conducted to study the allometric growth of larval and juvenile crimson snapper Lutjanus erythopterus at their early life stage to provide fundamental data in artificial propagation of crimson snapper. The 17th day post hatch of fish was the joint between the larval and juvenile crimson snapper. The results indicated that during the larval and juvenile stage, organs associated to feeling, breathing, feeding and swimming developed and differentiated rapidly with allometric patterns. As for head organs, rostrum length, mouth width, eye diameter and head region height exhibited positive allometric growth in larval stage. Rostrum length appeared isometric growth in juvenile stage of crimson snapper. Mouth width, eye diameter and head region appeared negative allometric growth. As for body region organs, head region length and body height exhibited positive allometric growth in larval stage. Torso region length and tail region length exhibited negative allometric growth. In juvenile stage, body height and torso region length showed positive allometric growth. Head region length and tail region length displayed isometric growth. As for swimming organs, dorsal fin, pelvic fin and caudal fin exhibited positive allometric growth and pectoral fin appeared isometric growth in larval stage. In juvenile stage, pelvic fin, pectoral fin and caudal fin appeared isometric growth, and dorsal fin showed negative allometric growth. The fast development of key organs of crimson snapper with efficient and low energy expenditure increases larval survival ability at the early stage in the short window, which, has important ecological significance to adapt the complex external environment.


