

  • 摘要: 四大家鱼是我国淡水养殖和捕捞的主要对象, 但关于珠江水系四大家鱼资源状况的研究甚少。研究于2015—2016年对珠江全流域16个站位分春夏秋3个季节进行了全面调查, 调查的渔具主要为钩钓网、流刺网、定置刺网和虾笼。共采集四大家鱼965尾, 其中青鱼41尾、草鱼454尾、鲢351尾、鳙119尾, 均以1—2龄为主, 占所有个体的70%左右。四大家鱼主要分布于西江桂平至肇庆江段, 以及上游南盘江万峰湖库区江段。其在整个流域CPUE最高为南盘江鲁布革江段(5.68 kg); 而在中上游红水河大化、合山江段, 其资源量较低, CPUE值不足1.50 kg。重要的东江、柳江、郁江等支流, 资源量也较少, CPUE值不足2.00 kg。采用冗余分析方法(RDA)分析了四大家鱼种群空间分布格局与环境因子的关系, 发现河流等级、河流水电站总装机容量、径流量与河流深度是珠江水系四大家鱼空间分布格局差异的主要影响因子。总体上, 四大家鱼主要分布于干流, 鲢、鱅和草鱼的分布主要受径流量和河流深度的影响, 河流水电站的建设对草鱼分布的影响最大。研究结果将对渔业资源多样性保护和可持续利用具有指导意义。


    Abstract: Four major Chinese carp are widely distributed in China. Due to rapid growth, resistance to disease and other superior features, carp have major roles in both freshwater aquaculture and fishery in China. The Pearl River is the longest river in southern China subtropical area, which is an important production base and wild resource gene pool of four major domestic carp. Nevertheless, studies on the four major carp in the Pearl River system are very limited, especially, in terms of the rapid decline in fishery resources due to numerous anthropogenic stressors, such as overfishing and dam construction. Thus, study of the resource status of four major carp in the Pearl River urgently needed to reveal the ecological niche of each species. This study investigated the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of four major carp in the Pearl River Basin based on the survey of 16 sampling sites between 2015 and 2016. A total of 965 carp were collected during the studying period, including 41 Mylopharyngodon piceus, 454 Ctenopharyngodon idellus, 351 Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and 119 Aristichthys nobilis individuals. Four major carp mainly distributed between Guiping and Zhaoqing section in the Xijiang River, and also in the upper reaches of Wanfenghu Reservoir in the Nanpanjiang River. Among the collected individuals, about 70% of fish were at 1- to 2-year of age. The highest catch per unit effort (CPUE; 5.68 kg) was in the Lubuge section of the Nanpanjiang River. By comparison, in the middle and upper reaches of Hongshuihe section, the resource of four carp was low, with the CPUE less than 1.5 kg. Similarly, in the important tributaries, such as Dongjiang, Liujiang and Yujiang, the CPUE was below 2 kg. Redundancy analysis was used to describe the relationships between the distribution patterns of carp and associated environmental factors. Results indicated river order, total installed capacity of hydropower station, water discharge and river depth, all played important roles in population distribution. The temporal distribution of Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and Aristichthys nobilis were mainly affected by water discharge and river depth. The construction of hydropower station had the most impact on grass carp population. In general, the four major carp mainly distributed in the mainstream area. The present study is part of a long-term investigation into the wild fishery resources of the Pearl River. Therefore, understanding the processes outlined in this study will assist in the conservation of four major carp, which is critical to the success and sustainability of commercial fishery in the Pearl River.


