pH对小球藻Chlorella sp. XQ-200419光合作用、生长和产油的影响


  • 摘要: 以一种生长快、油脂含量高的小球藻(Chlorella sp. XQ-200419)为实验材料, 利用测定净光合放氧速率的方法研究了pH对其光合作用的影响; 使用改良的BG-11培养基在微藻环形培养池模拟系统中进行分批培养, 培养周期为8d, 培养过程中使用 pH控制仪在线监测藻液的pH, 根据pH变化, 自动接通、关闭CO2通气管道, 将藻液pH分别控制在5.06.0, 7.08.0, 8.09.0, 9.010.0, 10.011.0内, 研究pH对生长速率、生物质面积产率、总脂含量和总脂面积产率的影响。主要结果如下: 藻液pH对小球藻Chlorella sp. XQ-200419光合放氧、生长速率、生物质产率、总脂含量和产率都有显著影响, 适宜的pH范围是7.09.0, 在此范围内, 光合放氧、生长速率、生物质产率、总脂含量和产率均保持较高水平, 且pH的影响不显著; pH低于7.0, 高于9.0, 其光合放氧、生长速率、生物质产率、总脂含量和产率都显著降低。这表明pH对小球藻Chlorella sp. XQ-200419光合作用的影响和对生长、产油的影响是一致的。pH 7.08.0, 小球藻的生物质平均面积产率和总脂平均面积产率都达到最大值, 分别是8.9 g/(m2d)和2269.5 mg/(m2d); 当藻液pH超过10.0, 生物质平均面积产率和总脂平均面积产率分别降低42.1%和60.0%。适合于小球藻生长的pH也有利于其积累油脂, 所以, pH对小球藻产油的影响是一种适宜模式, 而非胁迫模式。规模化培养小球藻Chlorella sp. XQ-200419, 通过补充CO2将藻液pH控制在7.09.0内, 可以获得高生物质产率和总脂产率。研究结果反映出pH对小球藻光合作用、生长和产油影响的规律, 也为规模化培养小球藻生产微藻油脂过程中合理控制藻液pH提供了依据。


    Abstract: Chlorella sp. XQ-200419 is a lipid-rich strain with potential application in microalgal biodiesel. To study the effects of pH on the growth rate, areal biomass productivity, total lipid content, and areal lipid productivity of Chlorella sp. XQ-200419, the batch culture was conducted for 8 days with modified BG-11 medium in a pH range of 5.06.0, 7.08.0, 8.09.0, 9.010.0, 10.011.0, which was monitored by a on-line pH controller in a selfdesigned photo bioreactor that mimics the open circular pond. We observed that pH significantly regulated the photosynthesis, growth rate, areal biomass productivity, total lipid content and areal lipid productivity of Chlorella sp. XQ-200419 the pH range of 7.09.0 was the best condition for culturing Chlorella sp. XQ-200419 and no significant difference was existed in the pH from 7.0 to 9.0. Both pH values below 7.0 and above 9.0 significantly reduced the photosynthesis, growth rate, areal biomass productivity, total lipid content and areal lipid productivity compared with pH range of 7.09.0. The photosynthesis was consistent with the growth and lipid production of Chlorella sp. XQ-200419 at all pH conditions. Chlorella sp. XQ-200419 achieved the peak average areal biomass productivity 8.9 g/(m2d) and the maximal average areal lipid productivity 2269.5 mg/(m2d) in pH 7.08.0. The average areal biomass productivity and average areal lipid productivity decreased by 42.1% and 60% at the pH range of 10.011.0, respectively. Both the growth and lipid production were enhanced under suitable pH range, indicating that the effects of pH on the lipid production of Chlorella sp. XQ-200419 was a kind of fitting mode not stress mode. The current study not only evaluated the effects of pH on the photosynthesis, growth and lipid production of Chlorella sp. XQ-200419, but also provided a basis for controlling of proper pH in mass culture of Chlorella for algal lipid production.


