

  • 摘要: 真眼点藻纲是1970年、1971年Hibberd 和 Leedale根据其细胞学和超微结构的特征, 将原黄藻纲中的一些成员重新调整而成立的一个新纲。自该纲成立以来, 由于新种不断被发现, 科、属和种的数量都有所增加, 目前该纲已有1目6科13个属28个种。该纲藻类的主要细胞光合作用色素包括: 叶绿素a、堇菜黄素、无隔藻黄素和-胡萝卜素; 细胞内具有一周生裂叶状的叶绿体或多个盘状的叶绿体, 具一柄状蛋白核或无, 叶绿体内具有三条类囊体为一组的片层, 无环带形的片层, 双层叶绿体膜外有一层叶绿体内质网膜包裹, 它不与核膜相连; 细胞中具有一个相对较大的、近球形的液泡, 其中含有能振动的颗粒物和一个直径在1-3 m的红色球状体; 繁殖方式通常形成2个D形或4个四面体形的似亲孢子, 有时会形成8个或16个的似亲孢子; 大多种类能产生烧瓶状的游动孢子, 游动孢子具有单根两侧排列管状小茸毛的鞭毛(另一根退化)或另具一根为光滑型的鞭毛。通过18S rDNA和rbcL基因序列的分析, 该纲与异鞭藻门其他各纲藻类的亲缘关系得到确定。脂肪酸分析结果发现该纲的藻类皆含有长链多不饱和脂肪酸-二十碳五烯酸。真眼点藻纲的藻类在淡水、海水和土壤表面等环境中都有分布。该纲的拟微绿球藻属中多个种类被广泛应用于轮虫、卤虫及珍贵海产品幼苗的开口饵料, 亦已成为二十碳五烯酸和重要类胡萝卜素的潜在生产藻株。另外, 研究发现该纲的大多数种类富含油脂, 它们已成为微藻生物燃料开发的备选藻种资源。


    Abstract: The Eustigmatophyceae was segregated from the Xanthophyceae according to the cytological and ultrastructural properties by Hibberd Leedale in 1970 and 1971. At present, it includes one order, six families, thirteen genera, and about thirty species. The major photosynthetic pigments of the Eustigmatophyceae are chlorophyll a, violaxanthin, vaucheriaxanthin, -carotene, and carotene-ester. The cells possess a parietal lobed chloroplast or several discoid chloroplasts. The pyrenoid with a narrow stalk presents only in the vegetative cells. The chloroplast contains three-thylakoid lamellae and no girdle lamellae. The chloroplast is surrounded by a double-membrane envelope and then a layer of endoplasmic reticulum that is not continuity with the nuclear envelope. There is a large spheroidal vacuole with lots of vibrating granular contents and a conspicuous reddish globule in the cytoplasm. In general, eustig-matophytes are reproduced by the formation of autospores. The larger spherical species produce either two D-shaped or four tetrahedral autospores. Eight or sixteen autospores sometimes were observed in the mother cell. Most species can produce lageniform zoospores. The zoospores in most species produce only one emerge flagellum with tubular mastigonemes laterally while others degenerate. In biflagellate species, the second flagellum is short, posteriorly directed and smooth. The relationship between the Eustigmatophyceae and other Heterokontophyta was established by the 18S rDNA and rbcL gene sequence analysis. Fatty acid analysis showed that the Eustigmatophyceae contained eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). The eustigmatophytes distribute widely in the freshwater bodies, seawater and soil surface. Several species of Nannochloropsis are widely used as aquacultural feeds for rotifer, artemia and larvae of marine fishes, prawns and crabs, and many species are potential producers of EPA and carotenoids. In addition, many species of the Eustigmatophyceae are rich in oil, so they are the potential source for biofuels production.


