

  • 摘要: 为了解横山水库浮游动物群落结构特征及水质状况,于2012年5月(春)、7月(夏)、10月(秋)及2013年1月(冬)对该水库的浮游动物及主要水质理化指标进行了调查分析,利用生物多样性指数法和综合营养状态指数法评价其水质状况。结果共鉴定浮游动物100种(原生动物47种、轮虫36种、枝角类12种、桡足类5种)。春夏秋季种类组成主要以轮虫和原生动物为主,枝角类与桡足类种类较少;冬季各种类均很少。优势种为王氏似铃壳虫(Tintinnopsis wangi)、淡水简筒虫(Tintinnidium fluviatile)、球形沙壳虫(Difflugia globulosa)、湖生累枝虫(Epistylis lacustris)、裂痕龟纹轮虫(Anuraeopsis fissa)、针簇多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla)、裂足臂尾轮虫(Brachionus diversicornis)和等刺异尾轮虫(Trichocerca similis),季节更替明显。浮游动物年均丰度为1460 ind./L,变化范围17-3164 ind./L;年均生物量为1.252 mg/L,变化范围0.042-2.732 mg/L;香农多样性指数(H')、均匀度指数(J)及丰富度指数(D)年均值分别为2.06、0.68及1.30;全年综合营养状态指数值范围33.36-44.15。CCA分析表明,温度及pH等环境因子与浮游动物群落结构具有明显相关性。水质总体评价显示,横山水库水质处中污染状态、水体处中营养水平,基本符合国家Ⅱ类水的水质标准,但作为饮用水水源地,其水质还需进一步加强管理与调控。


    Abstract: To evaluate tropic state and biotic community of Hengshan Reservoir, Zooplankton samples were collected with a plankton net in May (spring), July (summer), October (autumn) 2012 and January (winter) 2013, fixed with 5% formaldehyde, stored in plastic bottles and identified with a microscope. Biodiversity index and physicochemical index were utilized to assess the water quality of Hengshan Reservoir. A total of 100 zooplankton species (47 Protozoa, 36 Rotifera, 12 Cladocera and 5 Copepoda) were identified with the seasonal variation that 66 the zooplankton species were found in summer, 53 species in spring, and 15 species in winter. The dominant species were Anuraeopsis fissa, Polyarthra trigla, Brachionus diversicornis, Trichocerca similis, Tintinnopsis wangi, Tintinnidium fluviatile, Difflugia globulosa and Epistylis lacustris. The results of dominant seasons change rate (R) showed that the R value was the highest in winter-spring (100%), followed by summer-autumn (85.71%) and spring-summer (62.50%), and the lowest in autumn-winter (50.00%). The average annual abundance of the zooplankton was 1460 ind./L, ranged from 17 ind./L to 3164 ind./L, and the highest was in summer (2613 ind./L). The average annual biomass was 1.252 mg/L, ranged from 0.042 mg/L to 2.732 mg/L, and the highest one was in summer (1.728 mg/L). The mean value of Shannon index was 2.06, ranged from 0.88 to 3.21, generally lower in autumn and winter and higher in spring and summer. The annual average of Pielou index was 0.68, ranged from 0.37 to 0.96, the lowest in autumn and maximum in winter. The annual average of Margelef index was 1.30, ranged from 0.51 to 2.24, lower in autumn and winter and higher in spring and summer. According to the comprehensive trophic level index, the values of Hengshan Reservoir were varied from 33.36 to 44.15 with the average of 38.45. These results showed that environmental factor was significantly associated with zooplankton species composition, and the zooplankton community structure of Hengshan Reservoir was much affected by temperature and pH. Water quality evaluation indicated that Hengshan Reservoir was in secondary pollution and meso-trophic level.


