The ultrastructure of gonad in Ganchang hybrid crucian (Carassius cuvierius ♀Cyprinus carpio var. singuonensis ♂)
摘要: 在繁殖季节与非繁殖季节采取解剖观察、组织切片等方法, 研究赣昌鲫(Carassius cuvierius♀Cyprinus carpio var. singuonensis♂)的性腺发育。经126尾鱼的解剖, 结果显示:赣昌鲫的性腺发育比较特殊, 性腺多为一侧发育或两侧不对称发育。在赣昌鲫的性腺部位大致有下列三个类型:(1)无性腺型(脂肪型):占24.6%, 为脂肪状, 没有性腺组织; (2)精巢型(包括以精巢为主体的两性嵌合体):占46.83%, 精巢小叶内分布有许多精子细胞, 或在曲细精管间隙中填充有多个不同发育阶级的卵母细胞, 大多数精子细胞发育异常、退化, 只有极少数正常成熟精子, 但挤压腹部, 始终没有精液流出, 显示为雄性不育; (3)卵巢型(包括以卵巢为主体的两性嵌合体):占28.57%, 卵细胞能发育到第Ⅲ时相, 到第Ⅳ时相时逐渐退化, 成熟的卵细胞少, 或在各发育时相卵细胞间隙中填充有精原细胞和败育的初级精母细胞, 解剖和挤压腹部始终观察不到排卵和卵粒流出, 同样表现为雌性不育。在精巢型与卵巢型的性腺中, 两性嵌合体型占总解剖数的36.51%, 其中以精巢为主的占25.4%、卵巢为主的占11.11%。Abstract: The anatomical observation and histological section were used to investigate the development of gonad in 126 Ganchang hybrid crucian (Carassius cuvierius ♀Cyprinus carpio var. singuonensis ♂) in reproduction season. The results showed that the development of gonad in Ganchang hybrid crucian was quite unique, in most cases demonstrating one-side or two-side dissymmetric. Three types of gonad structure of Ganchang hybrid crucian were found and observed under light and electron microscope. The first type was free-gonad type (fat tissue type), which accounted for 24.6% of the total. Only two strips of fat tissue located at the gonadal place, neither testis nor ovary was observed. The second type was testis type, which accounted for 46.83%. It consisted of many lobules, where numerous spermatides existed. Most degenerated or abnormal spermatides were found, and only very small number of mature spermatozoons were observed. However, after abdominal compression, semen outflow was always not found, indicating male sterility. The third type was ovary type, which accounted for 28.57%. The gonad consisted of oocytes, which could develop to phase Ⅲ and gradually degraded in phase Ⅳ. Mature egg, ovulation and egg outflow were not observed by dissection and extrusion, showing female sterility. The testis-type gonad and ovary-type gonad were different in ambisexuality, and testis-dominated gonad and ovary-dominated gonad had the ambisexuality proportion of 25.4% and 11.11%, respectively.