摘要: 以不同维生素K水平(0.13、2.15、3.25、6.40、12、17.20和23.20 mg/kg饲料)的7种精制饲料喂养初始体重约为(2.170.01) g的异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)10周, 每个处理3个重复, 研究异育银鲫对维生素K的需求量。结果显示: 饲料中维生素K的添加可以明显降低摄食率, 饲料中维生素K含量为2.15 mg/kg时, 摄食率出现最大值, 之后显著下降(P0.05), 在12 mg/kg时达到最低值。特定生长率随着维生素K的添加表现出升高的趋势, 饲料中维生素K含量为12 mg/kg时, 出现最大值, 但是差异不显著(P0.05)。饲料中维生素K的含量从0.13 mg/kg升至3.25 mg/kg时, 饲料效率显著升高(P0.05), 随着饲料中维生素K的进一步添加, 趋于稳定(P0.05), 在12 mg/kg时达到最大值, 并且与特定生长率呈正相关关系(SGR=0.01 FE+0.95, R2=0.95)。血液红细胞数目随着饲料维生素K含量的增加先显著升高(P0.05), 在6.40 mg/kg时达到最大值, 之后趋于稳定(P0.05)。血红蛋白含量、血球容积比、血清钙含量与血液中红细胞数目表现出相似的趋势, 均在不添加维生素K组出现最低值, 但是差异不显著(P0.05)。肝体比、肥满度及鱼体生化组成均不受饲料维生素K水平的影响(P0.05)。分别对饲料效率、红细胞数目进行折线回归得出异育银鲫幼鱼对维生素K的最适需求量为3.736.72 mg/kg饲料。Abstract: A 10-week feeding experiment was conducted to determine vitamin K requirement of juvenile gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). Purified diets with seven levels (0.13, 2.15, 3.25, 6.40, 12, 17.20 and 23.20 mg/kg diet) of supplemental vitamin K3 (menadione sodium bisulfite, MSB) were fed to C. gibelio (mean weight 2.170.01 g). Each diet was fed to triplicate groups of fish. The results showed that fish fed with the diet supplemented with 2.15 mg vitamin K/kg had significantly higher feeding rate (FR) than fish fed with diets supplemented with 12 mg vitamin K/kg (P0.05). Specific growth rate (SGR) increased with increasing dietary vitamin K levels and reached the highest value when dietary vitamin K content was 12 mg/kg (P0.05). Feed efficiency (FE) was the highest in fish fed with diet supplemented with 3.25 mg vitamin K/kg, intermediate with 2.15 mg vitamin K/kg supplemented diet and the lowest in the control group (P0.05). FE reached the highest value when the dietary vitamin K content was 12 mg/kg (P0.05) and showed a linear correlation with SGR (SGR=0.01 FE+0.95, R2=0.95). The number of red corpuscles (RBC) in blood increased significantly with increasing dietary vitamin K level (P0.05) and reached the plateau at 6.40 mg vitamin K/kg. The Hb content, Hct and serum Ca content followed the same trend as RBC and were the lowest in gibel carp fed with diet without vitamin K supplementation (P0.05). HSI, CF and whole body composition were not affected by dietary vitamin K level (P0.05). Based on the broken-line regression between FE or RBC and dietary vitamin K level, we concluded that the adequate supplemental dietary vitamin K content for gibel carp was 3.736.72 mg/kg.