
Relationship Between Gastrointestinal Bacterial Structure and Development of Silurus soldatovi meridonalis Chen

  • 摘要: 以肉食性南方大口鲇(Silurus soldatovi meridonalis Chen)为对象, 研究采用PCR-DGGE指纹技术对其仔稚鱼胃肠道分化过程及细菌群落结构进行了对比分析, 进而探讨了细菌群落与胃肠道分化的关系。消化道外部形态和胃肠切片显示13日龄样品起, 胃肠在结构上出现较大的分化。DGGE分析结果显示胃肠道细菌群落的分化始于18日龄:从18日龄样品起, 肠内细菌群落明显开始分化, 但在随后的1833日龄期间细菌群落结构相对稳定, 而胃内细菌群落则一直处于动态变化中。这说明, 南方大口鲇仔稚鱼的个体发育过程中, 随着胃肠在组织结构上的分化, 其消化道细菌群落结构也出现了明显分化, 并且胃和肠内细菌群落结构的分化在时间上存在差异。该研究结果将为深入研究胃和肠内细菌群落的功能差异提供基础资料。


    Abstract: To explore the potential relationship between differentiation of gastrointestinal tract and the gastrointestinal microbiota colonization, polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) was applied to analyze the gastrointestinal microbiota alteration of Silurus soldatovi meridonalis Chen with the differentiation of gastrointestinal tract. The differentiation of the intestinal microbiota started from 18-day samples and kept relatively stable in the following 23-, 28- and 33-day samples. However, the differentiation of the stomach microbiota was in dynamic variation process during the experiment. Morphological observation and histological slices of the gastrointestinal tract suggested a significant differentiation started at the developmental stage of 13-day. It indicated that with the differentiation of digestive system, the differentiations of bacteria community structures of both stomach and gut were different in spatiotempord.


