Rearing tank color influences survival and growth of the early larvae of the Yellow catfish, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, Richardson
摘要: 以孵化4天(4dph)的黄颡鱼Pelteobagrus fulvidraco仔鱼为对象, 通过 15d的养殖实验, 探讨养殖箱颜色对其存活、生长和鱼体生理指标的影响。实验鱼养殖在5种不同颜色(深蓝、黑色、亮绿、白色和褐色)的养殖箱中, 以新鲜孵化的卤虫投喂。实验结果显示, 不同养殖缸的背景颜色显著影响(P 0.05)了黄颡鱼仔稚鱼的存活和生长。养殖在深蓝色和黑色背景养殖箱中的黄颡鱼的成活率和增重最高; 在亮绿和褐色背景中, 鱼体的皮质醇 (IRC)、葡萄糖和乳酸水平显著升高, 而溶菌酶活性下降, 这表明鱼体处在一种慢性应激状态。研究结果表明在黄颡鱼仔鱼培育阶段, 养殖背景色非常重要, 深蓝和黑色背景有利于提高黄颡鱼仔稚鱼的成活率和生长。Abstract: A 15 day rearing trial was undertaken to determine the influence of rearing tank color on the survival, growth and whole body physiological indices of stress in the larvae of yellow catfish, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco. Early larvae (4dph) reared in tanks of five different colors (dark blue, black, light green, white and maroon) and fed with freshly hatched Artemia nauplii showed significant differences among treatments with regard to survival and growth. High survival and weight gain were observed among larvae reared in tanks with dark blue and black background. Elevated levels of immunoreactive corticosteroid (IRC), glucose and lactate as well as decreased lysozyme activities were observed in larvae reared in light green and maroon colored tanks throughout the trial, indicating a state of chronic stress. The present study provides the first evidence on the importance of background color during the larviculture of yellow catfish, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco and indicates that dark blue and black are ideal as tank colors to improve survival and growth in early larvae.