

  • 摘要: 唇形突是海链藻中常见的一类突起, 其形态学特征和排列方式是重要的分类学依据。绝大多数海链藻只有一个唇形突, 两个唇形突的现象仅报道于极少数海链藻种类。我国关于双唇形突海链藻的报道较少。研究利用扫描电镜(SEM)技术, 对采自我国沿海海域的自然水样, 以及分离获得的单克隆培养藻株进行了形态学观察, 针对其中的海链藻属Thalassiosira Cleve种类开展了形态学的专题研究。报道了4个具有双唇形突的海链藻种类, 分别是有翼海链藻T. bipartita (Rattray) Hallegraeff、脆弱海链藻T. fragilis Fryxell、亨氏海链藻T. hendeyi Hasle & Fryxell和维斯吉思海链藻T. visurgis Hustedt, 其中有3个为我国新记录种类: 脆弱海链藻、亨氏海链藻和维斯吉思海链藻。对每个种类的形态学特征、生活习性和生态分布进行了描述, 提供了扫描电镜照片, 对相似种类的形态学特征进行了比较研究, 分析了唇形突的变化类型及其分类学价值。


    Abstract: Morphology and pattern of processes, including three types, fultoportula, rimoportula and occluded process, are key taxonomic characteristics for Thalassiosira. Rimoportula is a very common structure in all Thalassiosira taxa. Most Thalassiosira species only bear one rimoportula, and so far only 8 taxa have been reported to bear two rimoportulae from nearly 400 recorded Thalassiosira taxa. The quantity of rimoportulae has been considered as a different key morphological characteristic between the genus Thalassiosira and Coscinodiscus. Previous reports about Thalassiosira species with two rimoportulae from Chinese coast were rare, and almost no electron microscopy photos about the type of two rimoportulae are available. In order to characterize the species diversity and distribution of the genus Thalassiosira along Chinese coastal waters, some water samples were collected from several representative locations. Thalassiosira specimens within these samples, as well as several clonal strains isolated from natural samples, were studied by scanning electron microscopy. Four Thalassiosira species with two rimoportulae were observed and they were T. bipartita (Rattray) Hallegraeff, T. fragilis Fryxell, T. hendeyi Hasle & Fryxell and T. visurgis Hustedt. Three of them were newly recorded species for China, T. fragilis, T. hendeyi and T. visurgis. The detailed morphological description, habits and ecological distribution of these species were given in this paper. Furthermore, taxonomic comparison among resembling species were made. The transfer of T. bipartita from C. bipartita obscured the morphological difference between the genus Thalassiosira and Planktoniella, and the taxonomic estimation of mucilage membrane should be re-examined in the future. Some morphological variations of marginal rimoportulae and central fultoportulae in T. hendeyi were observed, and analogous variations in other Thalassiosira species were discussed. The taxonomic evaluations of rimoportulae, including their quantities and locations, should be re-analyzed in conjunction with the usage of other modern techniques.


