
Effect of impoundment on Community Structure of the Phytoplankton in the main stream of the Three Gorges Reservoir of Chongqing

  • 摘要: 为了分析三峡库区长江干流重庆段因蓄水产生的三类不同水体(自然河流型、过渡型、类湖泊型)对浮游植物的影响, 分别于不同季节和蓄水期对水体浮游植物进行了群落调查, 结果显示各群落指标仍呈现亚热带河流型水库的季节变化趋势: 春季绿藻、隐藻占优势, 夏季蓝藻所占比例增加, 冬季硅藻占绝对优势, 但不同类型水体对季节的响应程度不同: (1) 2010年3月春季调查期间绿藻的优势种的优势度以及所占比例均呈现随水体类型改变逐渐增加趋势, 并在类湖泊型水体中达到最大(优势度0.62、所占比例达67.8%), 而夏秋季(9月蓄水前)蓝藻的优势种数、优势度、藻密度以及所占比例也存在同样的变化, 2009年9月蓝藻所占比例由河流型水体的8.5%增加到类湖泊型水体的52.6%, 到2010年9月类湖泊型水体蓝藻比例甚至达到63.8%。冬季蓄水期间(2010年1月), 硅藻占绝对优势, 但绿藻在类湖泊型水体中的比例要大于其他两类型水体。(2) Shannon-Wiener指数平均值为2.43, 总体呈现出河流型水体过渡型水体类湖泊型水体, 类湖泊型水体多样性指数夏秋季冬季春季, 而自然河流型和过渡型水体冬季多样性指数低于其他季节。


    Abstract: The Three Gorges Dam was altogether finished in 2009 and water level will reach 175 meter during dry season (winter) and fall back to 145m during rainy season (summer). Impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir forms three significant different water types in the main stream of the Three Gorges Reservoir in Chongqing: Natural riverine zone (above 175 m) where the change of water environment fluctuate with seasons, Transition zone (145-175 m) where water environment is effected by seasons and impoundment and Analogous lacustrine zone where water level is below 145 m throughout the year. They are different in velocity of flow, nutritive level (such as the concentration of N and P) and so on. For investigating the response to these changes of algae, the physical and chemical characters of water in the main stream were tested and surveys on the phytoplankton communities in the Three Gorges Reservoir were carried out in September 2009 (time before impoundment of the Three Gorge Reservoir), January (storage period), March (drainage period) and September 2010 (time before the second impoundment). The result as follows: The mean of pH was 8.17 and Dissolved Oxygen (DO) changed from 6.54 mg/L to 11.44 mg/L during the investigation. Total nitrogen (TN) of all sample points was between 1.43 mg/L and 3.55 mg/L, and Total phosphorus (TP) was between 0.09 mg/L and 1.33 mg/L. The level of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients were much higher than the international standard of eutrophication (0.2 mg/L and TP 0.02 mg/L) and were also a little higher than previous studies done by other researchers during initial water impoundment of reservoir. A total of 476 plankton species belonging to 7 phyla were identified, among which Bacillariphyta (63.9%) were dominant. Just like other subtropic riverine reservoirs, the Three Gorges Reservoir was full with phytoplankton in Chlorophyta and Cryptophyta during spring. algae in Cyanophyta began to increase in summer and autumn while Bacillariphyta dominated community of phytoplankton in winter. Yet different water types have changed with seasons differently: (1) with the decreasing of velocity of flow and the changes of water types from natural riverine zone to analogous lacustrine zone, the dominant species of water column changed from Bacillariphyta to Chlorophyta and the dominance degree index of Chlorophyta increased to 0.62, in the meanwhile the proportion also raised gradually and went up to 67.8% in analogous lacustrine zone in spring (March, 2010). In September, 2009, the proportion Cyanophyta increased to 52.6% and at the time of September, 2010, the proportion of Cyanophyta in phytoplankton even soar to 63.8% becoming main species. Such as Oscillatoria tenuis Ag whose dominance degree index was significant higher than any other species. Although Bacillariphyta were put one at an absolute predominance in all the water columns during winter, the abundance of algae in Chlorophyta in analogous lacustrine zone was larger than any other water types. (2) The mean Shannon-Wiener diversity index in the main stream was 2.43, and the variation in analogous lacustrine zone was in summer and autumnwinterspring. On the contrary, the index was the lowest in winter in natural riverine zone and transition zone. The evenness index changed between 0.52 and 0.85 and the evenness in spring was lower than any other seasons. Contrast previous studies, we can indicate that the water quality of he main stream of the Three Gorges Reservoir of Chongqing may become worse during these years and we should pay more attention to this trend and try to prevent it.


