

  • 摘要: 嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌(Stenotrophomonas maltophilia)是近年来引起斑点叉尾高致死性、传染性疾病的主要病原之一。为了研究嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌脂多糖对斑点叉尾的免疫保护作用, 实验选用了400 尾健康斑点叉尾, 随机分成Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ四个组, 每组用鱼100 尾, 每组下设两个重复, 每个重复用鱼50 尾, 以腹腔注射的方式分别向Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ四个组的斑点叉尾注射嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌脂多糖、无花果多糖加脂多糖、全菌灭活苗和生理盐水, 在试验第0、第28 天时分别进行首次免疫和加强免疫, 试验期间每隔7d, 对试验鱼的血液白细胞杀菌活性、补体C3 含量、IgM 含量和血清凝集效价滴度进行测定; 试验第49 天时进行活菌攻毒。结果表明, 首免后, 接种脂多糖、无花果多糖加脂多糖的试验鱼血清凝集效价滴度明显升高, 白细胞杀菌活性、补体C3 含量、IgM 含量也明显增加; 加强免疫后, 脂多糖、无花果多糖加脂多糖的试验鱼血清凝集效价滴度峰值分别为1∶256 和1∶512, 白细胞杀菌活性峰值分别为0.565 和0.511, 补体C3 含量峰值分别0.194 和0.180mg/mL, IgM 含量峰值分别1.415 和1.464mg/mL, 免疫保护率分别为70.0%和65%。嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌脂多糖和脂多糖+无花果多糖受免鱼的上述指标均显著(PP<0.01)地高于生理盐水注射组, 这两者的免疫保护效果优越于全细胞灭菌苗。


    Abstract: Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is a vital pathogenic bacteria of a high-lethal infectious diseases affecting channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) in recent years. In order to evaluate the immune protective effect of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on channel catfish, four hundred healthy channel catfish were chosen and divided into , , and groups randomly. Each group included Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ two horizontal treatments which were treated with LPS, LPS plus polysaccharide of Ficus carica, whole cell inactivated vaccine and the saline source respectively by intraperitoneal injection. The initial immunization was carried out at the beginning and so was the booster immunization at the 28th day. During the trial period, the blood leukocyte bactericidal activity, complement C3 levels, IgM levels and agglutinating antibody titers were determined at intervals of 7 days. The challenge with live Stenotrophomonas maltophilia was carried out at the 49th day. The results showed that the agglutinating antibody titers in the sera of channel catfish treated with LPS and LPS plus adjuvant of polysaccharide of Ficus carica. And the leukocyte bactericidal activity, complement C3 levels, IgM levels and the relative percentage survival of the fish treated with LPS, LPS plus polysaccharide of Ficus carica were both significant after the initial immunization. After the booster immunization, to the channel catfish treated with LPS and LPS plus adjuvant of polysaccharide of Ficus carica, the agglutinating antibody titers in the sera of those were 1∶256 and 1∶512, the leukocyte bactericidal activity of those were 0.565 and 0.511, the complement C3 levels of those were 0.194 and 0.180mg/mL, the IgM levels of those were 1.415 and 1.464mg/mL respectively, and the relative percentage survival of those were 70.0% and 65%, respectively. Conclusion: the above index of the fish treated with LPS and LPS plus polysaccharide of Ficus carica were significant (PPFicus carica on the channel catfish was better than the whole cell inactivated vaccine.


