

  • 摘要: 借助活体观察及银染法等对采集于青岛沿海的7种异毛类纤毛虫(绿色爽口虫Climacostomum virens、蓝菌丽克虫Licnophora lyngbycola、盐蚕豆虫Fabrea salina、佛氏环须虫Peritromus faurei、简单瓶囊虫Folliculina simplex、延长类瓶囊虫Folliculinopsis producta、弯曲突口虫Condylostoma curva)进行了活体形态与纤毛图式水平的分类学研究, 其中绿色爽口虫为国内新记录。对迄今缺乏详细研究的简单瓶囊虫与延长类瓶囊虫补充了大量活体形态描述, 如皮层颗粒、色素颗粒的分布与颜色变化等, 同时运用现代银染技术首次报道了该两种游泳体的纤毛图式。


    Abstract: Most heterotrichous ciliates are large, conspicuous and cosmopolitan. Hence, many of these organisms, and especially the marine forms, have been known for over half a century. Nonetheless, possibly less than half of these have been investigated by using modern methods. The identities of the rest remained difficult or confused as noted by many previous researchers. In recent years, it has been proposed that a minimum requirement for an acceptable species level description is that it should be based on observations of the organism both in vivo and following silver impregnation. As a part of survey on marine ciliates fauna in the coastal waters of Qingdao (3608N; 12043E), seven free-living hete-rotrichs, Climacostomum virens (Ehrenberg, 1833) Kahl, 1932, Licnophora lyngbycola Faur-Fremiet, 1937, Fabrea salina Henneguy, 1890, Peritromus faurei Kahl, 1932, Folliculina simplex (Dons, 1917) Song, et al., 2003, Folliculi-nopsis producta (Wright, 1859) Faur-Fremiet, 1936 and Condylostoma curva Burkovsky, 1970, were morphologically investigated by using live observations and silver impregnation methods. Climacostomum virens was first recorded in China and collected from a sandy beach. Based on the Qingdao populations, much more information particularly with respect to their cortical granules, cell colour, swarmers' morphology, infraciliature and other morphological features in vivo as well as original morphometric data were provided. As a new contribution, present work firstly disclosed the swarmer's living morphology and infraciliature, the type of cortical granules and the character of pigment granules of Folliculina simplex and Folliculinopsis producta. In addition, updated diagnosis and redescriptions of Cli-macostomum virens was provided, the improved diagnosis of this organism was as followed: blue-grayish or dark-greenish Climacostomum with oblong oval or kidney-shaped outline; about 160-250 m long in vivo; oral vesti-bulum prominent, the end of which was tubulose and comprised a spout-shaped cytopharynx; about 53-68 membra-nelles in adoral zone of membranelles; 10-15 vestibular kineties paralleled with adoral zone of membranelles; 14-16 pharyngeal kinetes; 36-40 somatic kineties; one belt-shaped macronucleus middle body positioned; with tiny and grayish cortical granules; marine habitat.


