

  • 摘要: 水生植物作为水生生态系统的主体, 对发挥水生生态系统的自维持、自循环功能有重要作用。研究通过相关资料的查阅, 建立上海地区乡土水生植物名录, 并对其科属组成、区系特征、生活型、生长型等进行统计分析。结果表明上海地区乡土水生植物共计35 科83 属160 种(含变种), 单属科、单种属的比例较高, 均达65%以上; 植物区系组成丰富、成分复杂, 以热带成分占优势, 达64.6%; 生活型以挺水植物为主, 沉水植物次之, 浮水植物最少; 生长型类型丰富, 以草本型、禾草型居多, 20 种生长型可进一步归为表征相似生态学特征和功能地位的6 个生长型组。在水生态恢复与水景观建设中, 仅有68.8%的景观水体有水生植物应用,且应用种类在2 种以下的占79.2%。乡土水生植物应用不足, 一半以上为观赏性强的外来物种, 应用频率较高的为挺水植物, 对具有良好净化效果的沉水植物重视不够。因此, 在水生态恢复与水景观建设中, 建议加强乡土水生植物资源的繁育栽培, 在充分利用乡土水生植物资源配置群落的基础上, 根据水质的富营养及基底状况, 通过不同生长型组水生植物的应用, 构建沉水-浮水-挺水植物群落复合体, 并通过近自然型护岸的营造, 形成水生-湿生复合生态系统。运用植被工程学的原理和方法, 采用生态浮岛、生态沉岛等技术营造水生植被, 将强人工化的水景观建成具生命的水生生态系统。


    Abstract: With the rapid economical development, more and more degraded aquatic ecosystems can not be restored by themselves after they were polluted seriously. Aquatic vascular plant especially the native species, as an important component, play a significant role for implication of self-sustainable and self-circulation in aquatic ecosystems. Reconstruction and restoration of aquatic plants and vegetations is vital to construct the artificial waterscape and recovery the degraded territorial waters. The lists of native aquatic vascular plant that restricted to Shanghai area have been established by referring to literature, and their species composition, floristic characteristic, life form, growth form and application status in artificial aquatic ecosystems have been analyzed in this paper. The results indicated that there were 160 species of native aquatic vascular plant, belonging to 83 genera and 35 families. The species composition was complicated and more than 65% of them were mono-species genus or mono-genus family. The results of floristic geographical elements showed that the 83 genera could classify into 9 floristic distributional patterns. Tropical genera form a large fraction of the total genera with the highest proportion of 64.6%, of which pantropic genera were predominantly. The dominant type of life form was emergent plant with the highest proportion of 73.1%, while the submergent plant and floating-leaved plant accounted for 15.6% and 11.3%, respectively. There were 20 types of growth form. Graminids and herbids were the main growth form type, accounted for 40% and 28.8%, respectively. Based on the ecological characteristic and functional status of common species, 20 types of growth form were classified into 6 groups, lemnids- hydrocharids group, vallisnerids-isoetids group, potamids-myriophyllids group, utricularids-certophyllids group, trapids-nymphoids group, graminids-herbids group. All of these demonstrated that there were abundant native aquatic vascular plants in Shanghai area. However, there were much mistake in the application of aquatic vascular plant and the restoration of aquatic vegetation. Aquatic vascular plant especially the native species were rarely used in artificial waterscape and degraded aquatic ecosystems. Only 68.8% of artificial waterscapes were planted with aquatic vascular plants and 79.2% of them had less than 2 species. Furthermore, more than 50% of aquatic vascular plant planted in the artificial waterscape was alien species. These alien plants could result in biological invasion and endanger to the health of ecosystem. In order to get an immediate effect, the emergent plant was applied universally while the submergent plant which has strong purification ability was sparse. Therefore, we suggested that the reproduction and cultivation of native aquatic vascular plants should been widely develop for rebuilding aquatic vegetation. Communities adapted to native habitats should also been promoted by using native species. Besides, according to the different level of water eutrophication and substrate conditions, the emergent- floating- submerged' complex community and wetland plant- aquatic plant' complex ecosystems should been reconstructed with diverse growth form plants. At the deepen area, the aquatic vegetation also should been reconstructed by the technique of ecological floating island' and ecological submerged island'. In conclusion, the artificial waterscape and degraded territorial waters should been developed into a livable aquatic ecosystem by mean of approx-nature restoration methods.


